I would really like to see the EBF go away especially for subjects already listed in the purchasing guide ie:music, art, gardening, cooking, etc. I have to print and fill out the form for every line item purchased every single time I buy gaden supplies or materials. 25 packs of seeds at 1.99 is ridiculous to fill out that form everytime. Another conern I have, although I have not personally tried, is I have heard they will not reimburse flight lessons due to safety concerns. I think subject safety is my job not step ups and also every sport has potential safety hazards (broken bones, concussion, and the list goes on). Last one would be I was denied reimbusrsement for a 3D printer ($170) for my son who wants to design, print, build, and fly RC cars. This would fall under so many learning subjects- Math, science, computers, art..just to name a few. My confusion for this is I have heard they are reimbursing for Cricut machines and heatpress and I dont see how a 3D printer would have lesser educational benefit. Sorry thats 3 :)