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Forum Posts

Jessica McCullar
Sep 18, 2024
In Scholarships
Hello! I have four children who were all awarded the PEP scholarship through Step Up back at the beginning of June. I withdrew them from the private school they had been with and submitted SLPs to Step Up when prompted to do so. Three of my kids were funded with their first quarter funds a couple weeks ago when it seemed a lot of other people also received their funding. One of my children is still sitting in “awarded” status with no funds. My four children have award numbers that go in order and it’s the second one that was skipped. (So it’s like #1, 3, and 4 were awarded but #2 wasn’t.) Last week I tried emailing Step Up to see if there was anything wrong with that child’s account but I kept receiving very generic responses that funding is still being dispersed, I need to make sure she’s not enrolled with the public school, I need to make sure I’ve completed the SLP, etc. I did everything for that child on the exact same timeline as my other three. No one ever looked anything up about her account in response to my emails. Due to reports about the call center being outsourced, I’m not sure that’s a better method than email to try to tackle this issue. 😬 Does anyone have an idea how long I should wait before I push harder for her account to be checked on? Are there still funds being dropped in the first round of first quarter funding?

Jessica McCullar

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