I apologize, I am getting the two scholarships confused. The previous version of the FES-UA purchasing guide did not have any limits and the line : “Frequency of Purchase: One year for supplies; two years for equipment” was just added in the UA guide, there were no limits previously. So I as, also a UA families am worried about this and I hadn’t noticed it being in the PEP previously. I haven’t filed my gardening receipts from this year so we will see if they limit it. In the past it was not, but this year they are improperly denying things. SUFS outsourced the customer support staff and this year getting things properly and timely processed is much worse than last years.
May I ask why you aren’t also posting the FES-UA purchasing guide update on the UA forum area and may I suggest considering featuring FES-UA on the main forum list, not hidden under Scholarships? Maybe make a FAQ for FES-UA. You might get more FES-UA parent traffic and questions that way. I would think that would be great as many FES-UA families homeschool. It would be wonderful if you are informed on both scholarships so you can advocate on behalf of parents with special needs children and other diagnosis on the Unique Abilities Scholarhsip, along with those on PEP and many families have kids on both scholarships.