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Forum Posts

Jennifer W
Aug 25, 2023
In Questions and Answers
The repeated questions you guys get about computers/laptops are because the answer we keep getting doesn’t seem to make sense.  While I do think that legislators should have defined “instructional materials”, I'm having a hard time understanding how not including technology is only a legislative issue and not a step up issue.  If they can choose to interpret "subcategories" to include under instructional materials even though it doesn't directly list them (such as school supplies and furniture), then they can also choose to include devices. The statute does not say anywhere that they are excluded or prohibited. We've been told repeatedly that it is because the statute did not include it like it is included in FES. However, if that’s the case, then the FES-UA purchasing guide should not be allowing the purchase of "digital materials" or "internet resources", because those are not specifically included in that statute like it is for FTC. FTC: "Instructional materials, including digital materials and Internet resources." FES: "Instructional materials, including digital devices, digital periphery devices, and assistive technology devices that allow a student to access instruction or instructional content and training on the use of and maintenance agreements for these devices." The FTC purchasing guide states at the beginning that "Whether a product or service is available in public schools helps SFOs determine whether an item may be purchased with scholarship funds." My local school district gives all elementary students a tablet and all middle and high school students a laptop. SUFS needs to consider that not allowing these items for PEP is putting many students switching from public schools to home education this year at a serious disadvantage if their families can't afford to purchase them devices. I'm concerned that people are not including technology in their feedback to SUFS because they've been told that SUFS doesn't have a choice, which just doesn’t seem to be the case.

Jennifer W

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