Dear Brenda, I cannot thank you enough for all your help not only with ‘B’ and her family but also for the help educating these individuals about home school laws in Lake County. I am overjoyed with the results that everyone involved achieved. ‘B’s sons are so happy right now with all the stress and pressure of the system lifted off their young shoulders. It seemed that all of these people we were up against, in this battle, were supposed to be helping those boys, but instead they would have destroyed them in the end.
A friend and I are thinking of starting a support system for families and children at risk for drop out. I really think she and I should start an Orientation group for parents in this county who want to home school. In the end not just one family will benefit from this process but many families may find it easier to start their home school adventures in the future because of your efforts.
I have not enjoyed this experience but I have learned a great deal from it and for that I am thankful. You have surely earned a beautiful set of wings for this one.
God Bless, ‘T.’
“Brenda Dickinson has done an outstanding job promoting home education issues. She is diligent, thorough, dedicated and determined. Brenda is an ideal model for all home educators and her presence in the legislative process enhances home education’s appeal to the Legislature.” Senator Daniel Webster Republican – Orlando
“Brenda Dickinson has been the voice of calm and reason throughout a long and emotionally charged debate on home education. She has the respect of many legislators for her effective lobbying skills and commitment to the cause of home education.” Former Representative Cynthia Moore Chestnut Democrat – Gainesville
“Brenda Dickinson has done an outstanding job advocating on behalf of home school families. I appreciate her insight and understanding of the Legislative process. Her contributions to protecting the rights of home school students have made a great difference in Tallahassee.” Representative Mike Fasano Majority Leader