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Live Chat with Brenda Dickinson


Our first Live Chat will be hosted on July 10th, 2023 at 12pm Noon!

We will be going live each Monday until August at 12pm Noon to answer questions for our community. This is the perfect time to connect with YOUR FLORIDA LOBBYIST for Home Education and get answers to common questions.

Will we be talking about PEP? Yes.

Will we be discussing your concerns, options, and answering questions about HB1? Yes.

What we will NOT be covering. We will not be looking up anyone's account to answer specifics about your private account. We will not be answering questions of a personal nature about you or your children, etc.

We WILL be answering questions that you might have about your specific circumstances that could be useful to others. We will be answering other questions you might have for Brenda about what it's like being our Florida Lobbyist, what's coming up, what's important to watch out for, etc.

Submit questions Live as a comment below the video, or you send them in ahead of time by posting in the Event on Facebook, or submitting them through the contact form on our website, etc.

You will be able to find the replay on our website once the live sessions have been ended, and they will also be saved on Facebook for you to watch and share.


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Welcome Home Educators!

The Home Education Foundation Newsletter has been established to keep you informed and up-to-date on all aspects of Florida home education.

Why do you ask for so much information with my subscription?

HEF respects your privacy. Should an issue arise that effects only an area or specific group of home educators, HEF can use the information you provide to get the information out quickly.

Check any that apply. This helps us get you into the correct email list for updates and important messages. 

If you want to be added to our list of Ambassadors to get the word out to people in your area, please check the option below. 

Thanks for submitting!


PO BOX 12563 Tallahassee FL 32317-2563



Availability Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm


PO BOX 12563 Tallahassee FL 32317-2563



Availability Hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm

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