Editor’s Note: Even though the legislative session was over months ago, the work of The Home Education Foundation never stops. Summer is a very busy time helping to educate and encourage FL Home Educators. Here are a few ways HEF has been at work for you in the past months.
Attended the FPEA Convention and gave a legislative update to leaders
Attended the FHSAA Board meeting, reviewed the changes to the forms
Met with a career and technical group to discuss possible internships for home education in the manufacturing academy at home and earn an industry certification.
Met with Leon Co. Virtual School Office
Met with LCVS to discuss the proposed change to the School Board home education policy
Conference calls with a statewide group regarding next year’s legislative agenda on virtual education and parental choice
Attended the Central Florida Home School Expo in Lakeland
Attended the HERI convention in Jacksonville, FL, provided leader conference
Worked on finding home schoolers to help in campaigns
Answered calls from home school leaders and parents