Each Florida College System institution board of trustees is authorized to adopt rules governing admissions of students subject to this section and rules of the State Board of Education. These rules shall include the following: (2) Admission to associate degree programs is subject to minimum standards adopted by the State Board of Education and shall require:
(a) A standard high school diploma; a State of Florida high school equivalency diploma awarded under s. 1003.435(2); a high school equivalency diploma issued by another state which is recognized as equivalent by State Board of Education rule and is based on an assessment recognized by the United States Department of Education; previously demonstrated competency in college credit postsecondary coursework; or, in the case of a student who is home educated, a signed affidavit submitted by the student’s parent or legal guardian attesting that the student has completed a home education program pursuant to the requirements of s. 1002.41. Students who are enrolled in a dual enrollment or early admission program pursuant to s. 1007.271 are exempt from this requirement.