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1003.4282(6) -Transfer of Credit

Writer's picture: Brenda DickinsonBrenda Dickinson

Updated: Apr 12, 2024

UNIFORM TRANSFER OF HIGH SCHOOL CREDITS.—Beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, if a student transfers to a Florida public high school from out of country, out of state, a private school, or a home education program and the student’s transcript shows a credit in Algebra I, the student must pass the statewide, standardized Algebra I EOC assessment in order to earn a standard high school diploma unless the student earned a comparative score, passed a statewide assessment in Algebra I administered by the transferring entity, or passed the statewide mathematics assessment the transferring entity uses to satisfy the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), 20 U.S.C. ss. 6301 et seq. If a student’s transcript shows a credit in high school reading or English Language Arts II or III, in order to earn a standard high school diploma, the student must take and pass the statewide, standardized grade 10 ELA assessment, or earn a concordant score. If a transfer student’s transcript shows a final course grade and course credit in Algebra I, Geometry, Biology I, or United States History, the transferring course final grade and credit shall be honored without the student taking the requisite statewide, standardized EOC assessment and without the assessment results constituting 30 percent of the student’s final course grade.

The Uniform Transfer of High School Credit Law   s.1003.4282(6)

For assistance with implementation of the Florida Administrative Code: Department of Education Technical Assistance Paper (TAP)

SACS CASI Policy on Validation of Transfer Credits for Florida This official policy was sent out from SACS, the accrediting association for public schools to all District Superintendents in Florida. HEF worked on this policy for almost two years which makes transferring credit to public schools in Florida easy for home education students. Armed with the Transfer of Credit Rule and the Memorandum from SACS CASI a home education parent should never have a problem transferring credits from a home education program to a public high school, if that decision is in the best interest of the child. This gives parents the power to decide.

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