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Education is



Graduation is only a step.

Are there opportunities for my student beyond K-12?

Home Education Parents and Students know that this fact is one life's cornerstones. that is why we focus on cultivating life-long learners. However, many still default to the path and mindset of the education system provided for us, and are unaware of how to build a path to success beyond K-12 or the university environment. 


Once upon a time colleges and universities were the epitome of higher learning and the access point to furthering our knowledge and understanding. With the rapid growth of the internet and the myriad of options available, they are no longer the sole gate-keepers of the path to success in life beyond K-12. 

HEF CONNECTx is committed to helping you


and paths for success beyond K-12.

Distance Learning


  • Practical experience

  • Short-term

  • Experience, Networking

  • Paid or Unpaid

Men at Work


  • Skill mastery in a trade

  • Long-term (several years)

  • Experience, Job, and Certifications

  • Paid or Unpaid

Image by Richard Gatley


  • Guidance and Support

  • Duration Varies

  • Guidance, Network, Support

  • Paid or Unpaid

Image by Salvador Escalante


  • Demonstrated Competency

  • One-time assessment/training

  • Formal recognition of skills

  • Certificate in Trade


***By understanding the unique benefits of each of these opportunities, students can make informed decisions about how to best prepare for their future careers.


The 16 Career Clusters are a way of organizing careers into broad groups based on common knowledge and skills. They are used in career counseling, curriculum development, and workforce planning to help individuals explore career options and educational pathways.

HEF Connect, Inc is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that is dedicated to helping home education parents and students identify and connect with opportunities that advance their potential for success in career and life.

1. Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources:

Careers related to the production, processing, marketing, and distribution of agricultural products, natural resources, and related services.

2. Architecture & Construction:

Describe the item and include any relevant details. Click to edit the text.

3. Arts, A/V Technology & Communications:

Careers in designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content.

4. Business Management & Administration:

Careers in planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations.

5. Education & Training:

Careers in providing education and training services, as well as related support services.

6. Finance:

Careers in financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management.

7. Government & Public Administration:

Careers in planning and performing governmental functions at the local, state, and federal levels, including national security, foreign service, revenue and taxation, and regulations.

8. Health Science:

Careers in planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development.

9. Hospitality & Tourism:

Careers in the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel-related services.

10. Human Services:

Careers in providing services to individuals and families in areas such as counseling and mental health services, family and community services, personal care, and consumer services

11. Information Technology:

Careers in the design, development, support, and management of hardware, software, multimedia, and systems integration services.

12. Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security:

Careers in planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services, and homeland security, including professional and support services.

13. Manufacturing:

Careers in the planning, managing, and performing the processing of materials into intermediate or final products and related professional and technical support activities such as production planning and control, maintenance, and manufacturing/process engineering.

14. Marketing, Sales & Service:

Careers in planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

15. Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM):

Careers in planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

16. Transportation, Distribution & Logistics:

Careers in the planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods by road, pipeline, air, rail, and water and related professional and technical support services such as transportation infrastructure planning and management, logistics services, and mobile equipment maintenance.


Find Your Opportunity Here


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Mon. - Fri. 8:00am - 5:00pm

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