Step Up for Students has opened their applications for scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year. (PEP, EO, UA, transportation, etc.)
Go to their main page at
If you're a renewal family, you'll need to Log In to your account to start the renewal process.
If you're applying for the first time this year, click "Apply" on their home page or go to their "Scholarships" page and click "Apply" from there.
They also have informational videos linked on their site to walk you through the process.
This is Miranda Padilla and we've communicated a lot over the last several months. You all are always so helpful!!
When a new PEP application says "awarded," does that mean they WILL be funded?
I have seen in the Facebook communities, some people saying even if you are "awarded" that doesn't mean you will get "funded." Which seems misleading to so many people.
How does SUFS/AAA keep track of total number of applicants/awarded/funded scholarships so they don't exceed the 60k total for this year??
I want to help others, but I don't want to give misinformation.
I submitted my renewal application just two days ago and my status, as of today, says complete! It only took a few days for StepUp to approve my application for funding for another school year. I'm so grateful! Don't wait to renew.
@HEF Admin | Crystal Crawford So when applying for a new Kindergartener, the application still requires you to input where they were in school for 2023-2024. You cannot advance if you leave it blank and there is no option for “the child was not school age and therefore was not in school.” “Homeschool” is the closest option to being accurate, even though it isn’t technically correct. Any idea on what to do with that?
Great! Would you suggest renewing right away or waiting a day or two? Last year, we encountered a glitch when I renewed the moment PEP became available, which ended up causing a slight delay in my application. While I assume a renewal is different, I wanted to confirm nonetheless. @HEF Admin | Crystal Crawford
Thank you!!! Renewing now!
Thanks for the early alert!