I am wondering how the state/county knows your child is part of an umbrella or private school for cross-check purposes? Based on everything we've read, umbrella schools have to keep records, but only report to the dept of education an annual aggregate of the data about their student body.
For example, 3yrs ago we sent a letter of termination to the county for home education and enrolled our 3 students in an umbrella/hybrid program where they are now considered private school students. The letter of termination did not need to say what school they were attending or any other information, just that they were no longer being homeschooled.
What happened next and what is happening now?
Did the umbrella school report to the county or DOE that our student is enrolled with them? Do they report attendance directly for each student individually by name, or only if they are truant? When we unenroll from the umbrella school, do they notify the county that you unenrolled? How does the county know what school our children are attending and that they are meeting attendance requirements?
What exactly is the umbrella, hybrid, private, etc... school reporting about our children to the county or DOE?
You could reach out to your umbrella school to ask them exactly what they are reporting for each student, and where. Statutes 1002.42 and 1003.23(2) designate what attendance records private schools are required by law to keep (and that those records shall be "open for the inspection by the designated school representative or the district school superintendent of the district in which the school is located"), but that doesn't necessarily answer the question of what your particular private school/umbrella school is collecting or what they are doing with those records, if that makes sense.