I looked through the other threads, but didn't find any more recent info. Can PEP students still participate in Dual Enrollment for free? Also, are they able to play sports at a local school through the district? Or is that only available for homeschool students registered through the county. I wasn't sure if the Craig Dickinson Act covered PEP students as well.
Thank you!
1006.15(3)(c) This section refers to home education students and establishes their right to participation in extracurricular activities.
1002.01(2) Defines the Personalized Education Program and states, "shall be provided the same flexibility and opoprtunities as provided in 1002.41(3)-(12). "
This includes extracurriculars from 1006.15(3)(c).
So yes, PEP students can play sports at district schools.
1009.30 is the Dual Enrollment scholarship. and it specifically mentions PEP students in 1009.30(3)(a). So, yes PEP students can participate in the dual enrollment scholarship as well.