As of Brenda's call with Step Up at 1pm today (9/11/2023), 15,000 PEP scholarships have been awarded. (Of 20,000 total available for this year.)
So if you're waiting, there's still room available and still time to get things worked out! If you have been waiting a long time, Step Up asked that you please get in touch with them ASAP to make sure there isn't a problem with your application. Also be sure you have completed ALL steps from your end, which would include:
Applying through the FES-EO application
Once awarded FES-EO, completing the form (sent via email) to designate that you wish to receive PEP.
Submit your Student Learning Plan inside Step Up's portal.
The fourth and final step would be to terminate your home education program or withdraw from public/private school (whichever applies), but we are still advising to wait on this final step until you have received PEP award confirmation (the "Your Student's PEP Award Confirmation" email and your status changed to FTCPEP inside Step Up's EMA portal).
Is there an ETA on actual funding? I saw other posts say around the 15th?