Hello, everyone!
If there were ONE, PRIORITY ITEM you could communicate to Step Up that you'd like to see changed/improved with their PEP processes as soon as possible, what would that one item be?
THIS is the place to drop those suggestions!
We will be sharing this post with the head of PEP at Step Up, for him to reference as an actionable list of issues to communicate to his team.
A few guidelines:
--This post is for big-picture issues. If you have a specific issue with your account, this is not the place for that. However, if your specific issue is tied to a bigger issue, you can post that issue. For example, "My kids still don't have MSS access." Please do not include personal account details here in the forum.
--The briefer, the better. We are hoping for this to be a helpful list for him to reference. If the comments are too lengthy, that won't be as effective. Try to hone down to the core issue and post only that.
--If you use a personal situation as an example of a larger issue (for example, a personal encounter with customer support where they gave incorrect info, etc.), you can share screenshots... but please be sure they do not include any personal information.
We're looking for big-picture issues--i.e., things that impact multiple parents, and which could be targeted for improvement as part of their processes, their system, etc.
As an example, here are some items I've already communicated to him via email (and which he forwarded to the appropriate departments last week):
Some parents who applied, did all the steps, and submitted PEP survey as long ago as August or even earlier, have still not been awarded PEP--even some who were in the income priority tier.
Some parents have some kids awarded PEP, while their other kids were not--even when on the same application and/or having submitted the PEP surveys around the same time.
Major concerns about the spending caps for categories, AND how purchases are being categorized via MSS and by reimbursement processors. (I provided more detail and examples, but this was the main point.)
Parents have been waiting close to 60 days on reimbursements with no movement, and/or have reimbursements approved but have been waiting WEEKS and still no funds on the cards. Those who have tried to contact customer support have been told it's a US Bank issue. When they try to contact US Bank, they're told it's a Step Up issue. It's incredibly frustrating for them.
Reimbursement amounts credited to the card are not matching the approved amounts. Parents also say it's very hard to tell which reimbursements were credited to the card and which weren't, since amounts do not match.
Concerns about the customer support call centers & chat service, in general. Some of the representatives are giving wildly inaccurate information to parents.
If you have anything to add to this list, or would like to echo/reiterate any of the above concerns, drop those in the comments below!
Note: In order to keep this list effective for its intended purpose, we will be moderating the comments and removing any which include personal account info and/or are not directly relevant to the purpose of this post.
Please go back to allowing us to get family memberships. As a large family with 4 PEP students, it now costs us $400 total ($100 per individual student membership) for zoo membership when a family membership is $200. There are many more examples of this where it feels as though scholarship funds are being wasted.
Still waiting for REVIEW Reinbursements wifi internet Spectrum and Student my daughters PEP States its COVERED ON PAGE 3 Same request approved bfore xmas 89.99 same Purchase of Proof Acct number and bank statement saying exactly what day n month Spectrum Wifi Internet Paid?? Cmon please
Issue with processors changing reimbursement categories.
It seems like we are still having issues with processors changing categories of our expenses. Although cap limits have been eliminated, by the processor changing the categories for our reimbursement request, this might trigger a request for additional documentation and by consequence a delay in processing the request.
I recently submitted a couple of reimbursements under the Choice Navigator category, which the processor took it upon herself to change to 2 unrelated categories. My reimbursement request for a Diploma Audit with our Choice Navigator was recategorized as "Homeschool tuition and fees/Tuition/Face to Face course" and placed in review.
Next, my previous "Path to Graduation" seminar given by our Choice Navigator, was changed to Standardized Testing Fees and placed under review.
Without further commenting on the bizzare change of categories, my suggestion to SUFS would be to caution their processors not to be so fast on changing the category of our reimbursement requests.
It is known the processors aren't fully familiar with the ways of homeschooling, and by consequence most of the times they make any changes to our reimbursement categories it probably won't be correct.
Many of the PEP families have been homeschooling prior to being awarded this scholarship, and I'd say we probably have a pretty good understanding of which categories we should use when submitting our expenses (I know I do). Keeping this in mind, I'd caution their processors from recategorizing expenses they are unfamiliar with causing unnecessary delays. It just doesn't make sense for someone to go in and change reimbursements to something completely unrelated to then place them unhold, when they themselves don't fully understand homeschooling, at least as of yet.
I emailed a couple of departments at SUFS to bring this ongoing issue to their attention, but maybe it needs further discussion.
Thank you.
The same issue that @Carolina Ubinas - Castanet is dealing with, I am also dealing with. Also, when calling to speak with a rep at step up, you don't get the option to speak to anyone dealing with the actual reimbursements (i.e. financial department). The rep that you speak to literally just reads the same info that financial has told you they need, and when I explain to them that all the info they ask for is there, they double check it and just ask me to write a letter "to whom it may concern" hilighting" that all info is there. This is the only way we can "edit" a reimbursement on "hold" to upload an additional file (even after we have given them all documentation). It is very frustrating that the same purchase for one child is approved and then the same purchase for another child is on hold with all the same documentation. I have resubmitted "to whom iy may concern" letters stating this purchase was approved for another child with reference to reimbursement #'s. I know this is a lot of info, but bottom line is that if I felt like anything could be improved with the customer service side of things at Step Up, it would be to allow us to actually speak to representatives that are approving and denying reimbursements. You cannot have an actual conversation with someone you never get to speak with. It's frustrating to deal with someone who doesn't actually approve or deny reimbursements. I will say that every Step Up rep I have spoken with has been extremely nice and hospitable over the phone, but they are only appeasing us for a time and not actually solving the problems we are dealing with.
I recently had to call Step Up regarding a reimbursement request that had been in review but is now put on hold because they say the proof of payment I have shown is not what they are looking for. Mind you, I have already used the same proof of payment for this same recurring class for past months and it has been approved but for some odd reason, for this specific request, they are not accepting it. I called Step Up and the rep told me that our requests get approved or denied depending on the processor assigned to that request. Why would one processor approve the same request but another deny it or request more proof? I told the rep that and he said he was going to look into it but instead he hung up on me. After I waited a WHOLE HOUR to speak to someone. I didn't get my issue resolved and I don't know how to move forward since I don't have the option to resubmit. I will be calling tomorrow morning.
I would really like to see the EBF go away especially for subjects already listed in the purchasing guide ie:music, art, gardening, cooking, etc. I have to print and fill out the form for every line item purchased every single time I buy gaden supplies or materials. 25 packs of seeds at 1.99 is ridiculous to fill out that form everytime. Another conern I have, although I have not personally tried, is I have heard they will not reimburse flight lessons due to safety concerns. I think subject safety is my job not step ups and also every sport has potential safety hazards (broken bones, concussion, and the list goes on). Last one would be I was denied reimbusrsement for a 3D printer ($170) for my son who wants to design, print, build, and fly RC cars. This would fall under so many learning subjects- Math, science, computers, art..just to name a few. My confusion for this is I have heard they are reimbursing for Cricut machines and heatpress and I dont see how a 3D printer would have lesser educational benefit. Sorry thats 3 :)
Not sure if this fits here, but basically processor inconsistencies. I know we are all human, and trying out best. But from my personal experience, the default seems to be to place reimbursements "on hold/in review" first, ask questions later. I had 6 submissions for sports lessons, submitted the exact same documentation for each, and got rejected for half. Literally, a 50% failure rate. So half the processors found my documentation adequate so approved it, and half did not. That is unacceptable in my opinion. Again, for the same exact "type" of reimbursement. And the rejections are usually asking for documents that I have already submitted. Or adding additional rules or requirements not stated in the Handbook or applicable to my category. Why is the burden put back on me for processor errors? I keep hearing similar complaints in multiple forums, and it seems like things have not improved quickly enough.
We need some type of simple flow chart for category, required documentation for approval, etc. And if we adhere to the guidelines, we should have full confidence our reimbursements will be approved as quickly as possible, the first time around. Why is this so hard?
I have read the Purchasing Guide & Parent Handbook and am trying to follow it to a "T". And obvisouly, I am doing something right as half of all my submissions usually are accepted. But this trigger happy rejection attitude some processors have is infuriating. illogical, and time consuming.
So I don't know if this is still being monitored, but it's somewhat frustrating that only the child is covered when it comes to field trips. There's obviously no way a child is going to go to the zoo alone, and so an adult has to accompany that child. It seems like the cost of a chaperone should be covered by the scholarship.
I would gladly trade the eligibility of marginally educational theme parks for coverage an accompanying adult in museums/zoos/historical tours/etc.
I'm back with more feedback for the head of PEP. I have had multiple tutoring/elective invoices placed on hold because the dates of service are not listed in a MM/DD/YYYY format. This is absolutely ridiculous! The invoices have the dates of service listed as August 2023- December 2023, and then they list the day of the week and time that the class is offered. Some of these invoices have been approved no problem, and some are being put on hold because of the date. The handbook states on p. 5 that the invoice must state the dates of service, including the year. From what I could find, there is no requirement in the handbook for a specific MM/DD/YYYY for service invoices. It seems to me like it's an issue with some processors but not others. Can I plead with the head of PEP to PLEASE get this cleared up with the processors across the board? They are continuing to ask for information that has already been given-- almost as if they are not reviewing every attachment that is submitted. This is such a headache to resubmit information that is right there in front of them. Thank you!!
Many homeschool parents "hire" an individual with appropriate credentials to teach a full course to our students, but because we pay an individual who is not set up as a business, we're forced into placing these classes into "part time tutoring" instead of "home education instructional program." The main problem with this is that we're being asked for the tutor's hourly rate and for the dates of each session, meaning we can only be reimbursed when the school year is over, even though the instructor charges per course (which is paid at the beginning of the schoolyear) and not per hour. Please change home education instructional program to include the ability to pay an eligible individual for full courses.
Yep, I have 5. 2 in piano and 1 in handbells the others not sure yet. But with them Switching all to electives I'm sure we won't be able to get as much for long. It seems like they are trying to restrict allowances. Games from Walmart or other things usually get approved within 2 weeks. Yet I'm fighting for 7 still music tutorials from 9/23. I have 14 in review plus one glitch item. They still want to argue over the EBF for a civil war reenactment it cost 💲 8 . 3 kids approved, 2 still fighting. Feel like giving up on it.
The most frustrating part is simply that the most beneficial resources for students, such as, lessons, classes, tutoring, activities, and courses are the MOST difficult to get reimbursed. Meanwhile things like legos, furniture, toys, subscription boxes etc are approved quickly with a single receipt. Access to the toys , games, and other extras is wonderful but the thing that made me most excited to receive this scholarship was the idea that I would have the funds to send my children to local classes, lessons, and activities that enrich their education in immeasurable ways and places them in an educational environment with other students. Disappointingly, the system is backwards and these educationally rich opportunities are proving to be the hardest things to get reimbursed and most of them put on hold or in review. Classes and lessons, especially those taught at local businesses, should automatically be approved. The system needs to look at the priorities of education and match up the purchasing guide to those priorities. Local, live, instruction should be the easiest thing to get reimbursed for our students!
***NEW GLITCH *** We are beginning to hear back from multiple people that Step Up is investigating a New Glitch that is causeing issues with in review line items. I had step up FB chat check in on a reimbursement for me and they said the line item has now been approved(it was for a book). But it still shows as "in review" even though the main page says complete. I also have three music lesson reimbursments that were in review and have now been approved. They say in review on the main page but if you click in details, they say approved(and I got approval emails for those)
Could Step Up please address music lessons? I understand wanting to make sure that uncle joe isn't "teaching music" and kicking the money back to the parent. However, if there's an established music studio with multiple teachers, can these be fast-tracked? Can there please be a way to get a studio that has been in business at least three years, with an established commercial location and a storefront, pre-approved so that it isn't so bloody difficult to get lessons approved every month? Music lessons are clearly reimbursable expenses. The crazy-specific invoice requirements, the teacher bios, the benefit form... it is taking several months and multiple revisions to get lessons approved. It shouldn't be this hard.
There should be a way to edit submissions once they have been sent in (but before they are "In Review.") Sometimes you just forgot to add a form or something simple and your choices are to wait until they ask (and then go back into a long waiting period for approval) or to delete and add the submission all over again.
Same items, same submission documentation, approved for one sibiing but on hold wanting more information/more documentation for another sibling. Processors are obviously not consistent in expectations for sufficient documentation. Frustrating, especially when they asking for extra documentations that are vendor dependant and not able to be given by parent. Few vendors are willing to create extra invoices/receipts with so many details, especially week after week! And there is no way to communicate with processors to clarify information they ask for in the submission. We need to be able to comment back.
As my children age, I'm unsure how PEP with the current spending caps would work for our family when it comes to specialization and electives. With such a small cap, it is impossible to dig into any subject area in a concrete way, outside of books and curricula. The spending caps need to be drastically increased or eliminated all together to allow for a truly personalized education for Florida students of all ages through graduation.
I would say Reimbursement is currently my big ticket issue. Items taking longer than 60 days. Them coming in and asking for more information that is already there, or requesting an EBF for an item that should not be necessary. The EBF is a huge other issue as well, they already have us fill out online boxes for reimbursement. If an EBF is required it should just populate extra boxes to fill in rather than having to print out and sign an extra form especially for a weekly lesson that is obviously educational. The biggest issue with reimbursements currently is Music or other "elective" lessons that the teacher qualifies as a part-time tutor. The handbook states "if the teacher does not meet the requirements of a part-time tutor they can also qualify under electives" but then they are saying it's not part time tutoring and all is considered electives. I'm trying to save that category for items that can only fit in that category. If it can fit under part time tutoring as the handbook states, it would save a lot of time on having to fill out an EBF for each and every student for each class. It's weekly. So 5 filled out per week. I've even started filling out the EBF for these particular items and it's still not good enough. Eventually I'll find the right combination ?