We (HEF) and some HEIP leaders had another call yesterday with the head of PEP at Step Up. We mostly discussed issues related to HEIPs, but a couple other things were mentioned, too.
Here's a quick run-down of what we learned on the call...
General Information for PEP Families
About the Purchasing Guide:
Families should have received notification over the holidays over the agreed-upon Purchasing Guide (between SUFS and AAA) but will also still see the other Purchasing Guide on the website. SUFS is making some updates to the Purchasing Guide -- they are still in the process of updating it to remove caps, etc. The updated Purchasing Guide has not yet been posted.
About the Waitlist for PEP:
There are currently close to 5000-7500 students on the waitlist for PEP, and SUFS is still receiving survey responses daily.
Students currently on waitlist should be at top of the list for next year... also, if a student utilized EO this year while waiting for PEP, they'll technically be renewals even though they were on the waitlist for PEP.
When awarding for next year, SUFS will reach out to renewal families first, then those who were awarded but did not use the scholarship.
Now, about those on the waitlist still hoping to receive PEP this year...
Initially, SUFS had been given 19,000 slots to award to students on the PEP scholarship. The number has fluctuated on who they've been able to actually award, because some families signed up for PEP and UA, got awarded UA and wanted to switch, or switched to EO, etc. SUFS are waiting for some of these students to officially decline PEP so they can make sure everything gets switched to the correct scholarship in the system. More students will be awarded PEP as this happens.
Also, AAA originally had 1000 to award, but have not used all of them. So SUFS has now been allotted an additional 500 students (totalling 19,500 available slots for PEP through SUFS now), and Step Up has sent over information to the DOE, etc., to get those 500 switched to PEP and funded.
For who is being awarded those 500 additional slots... Step Up is going by date and time-stamp on when the PEP survey was submitted. They are also going back to look at students who may have been enrolled at a school at the time they switched to PEP (making them fail the cross-check at the time), and confirming with those families before they switch them to PEP.
So we will be seeing more students switched over to PEP to reach that number of 19,500 students awarded PEP and funded.
Families who applied in August or very early on and have been waitlisted for some reason, they anticipate those to be processed for this year's scholarship. They will be looking at when they submitted the PEP survey and the SLP. It is still possible these students will receive the full year's funding amount.
If you are one of those families, please reach out to me directly at info@flhef.org! The head of PEP highly recommends that we send those specific names to him, because Step Up can look into it to ensure the PEP survey was actually completed back then... They've found some families who thought they had applied for PEP months ago, but who actually did not complete the PEP survey (the second step of the process). They are going by the PEP survey date to determine which families they give priority in moving them off the waitlist and awarding/funding them.
If you were funded but then the funds were removed from the student's account because you didn't complete the SLP, those students are still counted among the number of "awarded" and funds can be returned to them once they complete the SLP. If any in that sitaution, he wants you to contact him so he can look into it! Please email me at info@flhef.org so I can connect you with him.
About improvements to the process for future application years:
This year, PEP application was a two-step process--the initial application, then the PEP survey.
They are hoping that the application process for 2024-2025 will be streamlined (to avoid confusion) and will allow parents to select their scholarship directly in that process rather than in a separate step with a survey.
About legislative changes:
SUFS is monitoring the new bills as they move forward.
About misuse of funds/PEP funds used by those enrolled full-time in private schools:
A question was asked: Is there a check and balance for seeing if students have been awarded PEP but are actually in a private schooling track not allowed under PEP?
Answer: Typically DOE does cross checks for UA, etc., but those may not have yet begun for PEP. However, if they see reimbursements come through that don't make sense, they look into those.
Home Education Instructional Program (HEIP) Questions:
When will HEIPs be able to set new prices and fees for next school year?
He is going to try to get some further info for us on where we are in the process. Hopefully will have that info for us by the first of February.
Do HEIPs HAVE to be on an approved list to be approved?
Context: Parents are being denied reimbursement still, and are being told the reason is that it's not on the approved list.
There is an approved HEIP list that they have internally, because they are verifying specific credentials to ensure they are legitimate HEIPs and to prevent fraudulent activity. But if the HEIP is not on the list, the processor should be requesting additional information to verify and add that HEIP as approved.
He asked that we have those parents email him directly who are being denied HEIP reimbursements for "not on approved list," so he can look into it and send it to the Escalation team. If this applies to you, please contact me at info@flhef.org so I can connect you with him!
If prices are not changing for HEIP year to year, do they have to be resubmitted each year?
He is going to look into this.
Will HEIPs be able to bill for the full academic year, next year? Or will they still need to set it up monthly, etc.
He has suggested to the involved departments that HEIPs be paid quarterly even if billed for full year up front, the same way they do for schools. No resolution yet on that but he will get us more info when he has it.
There were some other issues related to specific HEIPs, but these are the general points covered on this week's call!
Thanks so much, Crystal. Please put me in touch with the head of Step Up if possible. I have tried all other communication channels for SUFS with no success.
My son has been removed from the PEP program, and his funding completely erased, with no explanation or communication. At the time this happened about two weeks ago, he had approx. $2,000 left in funding, not counting the upcoming fourth-quarter disbursement. Now his dashboard is showing $0.
Please help! Nobody can give me a straight answer about WHY this happened and HOW they are going to fix it. They just keep telling me "they're working on it." Well, it's been weeks now and there's no timeline for resolution. I'd appreciate your help escalating it.