Brenda and I were on a call with our Step Up contact this morning, and we have new information to share!
Here are the highlights:
Step Up has confirmed that they will allow the end-of-year standardized tests to be administered according to the test manufacturer's requirements. This means that if a specific test from the Norm-Referenced Assessment list allows for a parent to proctor the test at home, then this will be allowed. Step Up has added wording to their FAQs at the bottom of their PEP info page on the Step Up website to indicate this. (Note: It does still need to be one of the approved tests from the DOE list.)
As I announced in a separate post, MANY people who have been stuck waiting for PEP award verification should hear back this week... maybe even today! You can find more details on this in the post I made earlier today.
DEBIT CARD info: Regarding the debit cards Step Up will be using for reimbursements, there was some concern as to how the funds on the card could be used. It is now confirmed that you will be able to withdraw cash from the cards via certain ATMs (there will be a list of ATMs provided), and/or transfer the funds to your bank account using Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, Cash app, etc. They are also working on some videos/FAQs to provide lots more details about the debit cards. Those will be distributed when they're ready. (Update as of 8/25/23: We now have FAQ/info documents from Step Up on how the debit/reimbursement cards will work! You can find them in this post.)
According to Step Up (and according to statute), you can use PEP funds for a full-time private tutoring program. On the call today, though, we asked for some clarification on what that might look like. We were told that: if it's at a registered and eligible private school, a PEP student cannot be full-time enrolled in that private school or it is a conflict with PEP requirements. But, an individual tutor who meets the requirements in statute 1002.43 can provide part-time or full-time tutoring, and those can be paid for using PEP funds.
There are some categories in the Purchasing Guide which are not listed in the PEP statutes in HB1 (such as general school supplies, classroom furnishings, etc.). I asked for clarification on that today, and was told that those categories have been interpreted as subcategories of what are in statute, and for reimbursements between now and December, they are honoring reimbursements for what is in the current Purchasing Guide (as long as it's not one of the categories the Purchasing Guide specifically states does not apply to PEP). The guide will be updated in December, so things may still change. But what's in there right now is what they're using. (NOTE: If you want to see something added or changed in the Purchasing Guide, they want that feedback between now and December! They asked for it! You can submit that feedback on their site here.)
They are still only at 14,000 applications for PEP, and as far as Step Up knows, AAA only has reported a small amount. As of 8/22/23, there are still plenty of the 20,000 scholarship slots for PEP left for this year.
Any virtual/online programs with LIVE instruction will not qualify as "Curriculum." They would either need to fall under the Virtual Programs (meaning the program will need to go through the process to get approved/added to the approved list by the DOE), or they may be able to qualify as a Tutor, if they meet the requirements in the Purchasing Guide for that. Update as of August 24, 2023: Our contact at Step Up has now confirmed that if a live instruction program isn't an approved DOE provider, the instructor can try to qualify as a part-time Tutor as long as they meet one of the criteria in the Purchasing Guide for that. (For example, if they have a Bachelor's degree in the subject area they are instructing, OR have a valid Florida teaching certificate, etc. You can see the full list in the Purchasing Guide found here.)
I have also updated the related FAQs to reflect this new information:
I just made an update to this post with a link to a NEW post as of today (8/25/23) with more info on debit cards! See post above.