UPDATE as of August 14, 2023: Brenda needs to clarify with legislators as to whether there's a time limit within which the annual evaluation needs to have been submitted prior to the letter of termination. But she believes that if an annual evaluation for that year has already been submitted, that should be considered sufficient for students switching to PEP. If we receive any further information on this, we will update here.
Original answer:
No. You are only required to submit one annual evaluation per year. If you've already submitted your annual evaluation this year, no further evaluation is needed. However, if you have not yet submitted your annual evaluation, you will need to submit that before you terminate your home education program with the county.
I've come across different posts where evaluators are advising parents to submit a new evaluation with their Notice of Termination if their evaluation is over 3 months old. If this in incorrect info please maybe have Brenda touch on this briefly during the next live chat. My concern is by giving school districts more than is required might set an expectation and/or precedente where they'll expect or start asking for more than they are allowed to (within the home education laws) moving forward.