Brenda and I have an official answer on this from Step Up as of today (August 28,2023):
An eligible PEP student may receive a scholarship award until the student graduates, or turns 21, which ever occurs first--up to a $24,000 max. (In other words, if the balance of the scholarship account reaches $24,000, the student will receive no additional funds.)
Funds that are unused as of your child's graduation from high school will remain in your Step Up account (though no additional funds will be added from that point on).
You will still have access to use these funds until they are depleted, unless there is no activity on your account for a two-year period, in which case your account will be closed and any remaining funds will be removed from your account.
Your remaining funds after graduation may be used for reimbursements for eligible expenditures (following the criteria in the Purchasing Guide), which would include qualified expenses at a postsecondary institution, even if your student receives a Bright Futures scholarship.
(Step Up would not authorize PEP reimbursements for expenses already covered by Bright Futures, since that would be double-funding the same items/expenditures... but they should cover any other qualified educational expenses as listed in the Purchasing Guide. Brenda's advice is to be sure whatever you're submitting for reimbursement after graduation can clearly be justified as an educational expense using the Purchasing Guide criteria.)
However, contribution to a 529 College Savings account is not authorized by statute for PEP.
If we have a graduating senior who is rolling over funds with the intention of spending during college do they need to renew PEP or notify Step Up in any way?