Despite my requests AAA hasn't been able
To provide me with a list of approved expenses. I have been using the document created by Step Up as a guide for my daughter FES-UA scholarship reimbursements. However I'm having trouble getting some things approved and AAA is telling me they are a different scholarship than Step Up and therefor the approved expenses are different. Is this accurate? I would think all FES-UA students should get the same expenses
reimbursed regardless of which organization they are funded through. Please help me understand what's going
on. Thank you. I'd also likes copy of approved AAA expenses if anyone has it.
Right now, the SFOs are given a lot of authority to interpet the statutes themselves and determine what falls within those approved categories of expenses. (This is something Brenda and Jason are lobbying to change--the SFOs should not have this much authority to decide what to approve or deny!) Unfortunately, AAA's approach to determining what's approved is VERY different from Step Up's, so using Step Up's purchasing guide won't be of much help with AAA. There is an agreed-upon guide that the two SFOs were required to create as of the end of December, but it's very generic, and still doesn't provide a lot of information. Each SFO can still make their own detailed purchasing guide beyond that, so long as it follows those agreed-upon parameters.