Speaker Renner, who spoke on our livestream last Tuesday (2/27), has kept his word! An amendment has officially been filed on HB1403.
This bill is going to the Senate Floor TOMORROW (3/6).
It appears they will lay down SB7048 and take up HB1403 with this amendment, then refer it back to the House.
We posted a brief announcement about this on social media earlier today, but we wanted to wait to make the full announcement here until we'd had a chance to examine the amendment...
So now let's dive into the details!
Summary of what's in the amendment to HB1403:
The exciting news is that the changes to CS/CS/HB1403 remove the previous prohibitions that limited the equipment as instructional materials to the four core subjects. It effectively restores the status quo as it currently is in statute this year.
What else is in the amendment:
This amendment also introduces new language regarding the making and publishing of the Purchasing Guide (handbook). The SFOs will not be required to reach unanimous agreement. They will be required to create their handbooks and have them published to their website and sent to the DOE. They will also be required to, "include, at a minimum, a routinely updated list of prohibited items and services, and items or services that require preauthorization or additional documentation."
As well, they will be required to publish to their website any changes they make in their routine updates within 30 days of making them.
Also, they will be required to, "establish a process to collect input and feedback from parents, private schools, and providers before implementing substantial modifications or enhancements to the reimbursement process."
This language about routine updates was also added to the FES-UA section of the bill. This could potentially be great news to give them more flexibility and adaptability in approvals.
Another change is far more subtle. It's in regards to the delivery and processing of applications. They changed language from, "qualifies for priority" to "seeking priority eligibility." It seems this would mean that the processing of applications will be on a first come, first serve basis unless the student is seeking priority eligibility.
There is an additional section of the bill/amendment that's odd and we're still conferencing with lawyers and staff to try to understand it. It reads with double negatives and references to other sections in its construction, so it's challenging to piece it all together.
Jason and Brenda will be in the Capitol tomorrow trying to get more clarity on this section and watching the proceedings as the bill goes to the Senate Floor.
I feel like I spent all day checking in to see what happened with this bill. What a wonderful way to get more involved with our government 🤣. Just wanted to share they adopted the amendment and passed the bill in the senate. So next step the bill as amended goes to the house?