Florida Education Policy - A family purchases a table for their home and some cabinets for their books and the government has swift and sweeping regulations to stop all purchases that they deem unnecessary.
I wish they were this swift with Insurance and Gun Policy. If I wasn’t on the completely opposite side of the State I would bring my family to these committee meetings to help. These email don’t seem to be making any difference.
just clarifying i'm not questioning anything UA parents are purchasing, I think there is educational value in everything that's currently approved. What I'm saying is that the legislators logic holds no water when not unilaterally applied across the board. So it seems more like a publicity stunt, to appear fiscally responsible during an election year. And a majority of the posts that these news stories are using as "evidence" are people just asking if certain things would be approved, and the ones showing what they did get approved have all been of eligible expenses that was approved by the SFO. But the angle of these stories are vilifying what PEP parents are using tax payers funds for, when in fact it's from UA (digital devices) and again it's only an issue if it's this one group using the funds in this way.
Florida Education Policy - A family purchases a table for their home and some cabinets for their books and the government has swift and sweeping regulations to stop all purchases that they deem unnecessary.
I wish they were this swift with Insurance and Gun Policy. If I wasn’t on the completely opposite side of the State I would bring my family to these committee meetings to help. These email don’t seem to be making any difference.