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If you are concerned about HB1403 and want to help...
If you are concerned about HB1403 and want to help... There is still time to get the bill amended. NOW is the time to reach out and voice...
RE: PEP FUNDS FAQ for the 2023 Personalized Education Program (PEP)
All of these questions are regarding the Personalized Education Program, introduced in HB1. You can download a copy of the language of...
In-person ACT testing still set at schools in June
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The number of sites won’t be as plentiful as usual. But for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic...
2013 Dual Enrollment FAQ
HEF was very involved in legislation that passed during the 2012 and 2013 Legislative sessions in an effort to protect the rights of home...
Is the “Letter of Termination” the same as the “Signed Affidavit”?
No. the “Letter of Termination” is given to the District Superintendent in order to terminate your student’s home education program. It...
Bright Futures Scholarships
Could you explain the basic guidelines for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship for home educated children? Bright Futures...
FSHAA and Dual Enrollment
To: FHSAA Member Schools From: FHSAA Office Roger Dearing, Executive Director M. Denarvise Thornton, Jr., Associate...
Can a middle school student participate in band?
There are two parts to this answer: 1. If the middle school participates in interscholastic extracurricular activities governed by a...
Is there a deadline for applying for a Bright Futures scholarship?
Yes.A student must apply during their last year in high school or he forfeits all future eligibility for a Bright Futures Scholarship. An...
Standardized Test Adminstration
Hello, I am on the Board of Directors for our county homeschool support group, and I answer the email questions that come into the group....
Tracking Test Scores
Taking the SAT, ACT or PSAT? The Home Education Foundation (HEF) compiles scores of home-educated students for future comparison...
How Do We Use Dual Enrollment?
How do home schoolers fit into the Dual Enrollment situation? M.S., Volusia County Public schools sign an articulation agreement with...
Teaching Other Children
May a parent have their CHILD home educated by another parent as long as the parent of the CHILD gives the teaching parent directions? If...
GED vs. Diploma
I have looked into getting my G.E.D before, but I have not taken the test. Why/How is the High School Diploma better than the G.E.D?...
Donations From a Non-Profit
Our support group is a registered "not-for-profit" corporation. How can we donate money to HEF's lobbying organization? If a non-profit...
Receiving Services through the County
A mom in our group is ready to home school her Kindergarten-aged child. The child has been receiving speech therapy through the schools...
Writing To Elected Officials
How do I go about writing to an elected official? First, make sure to use their correct title, or simply refer to them as "The...
Universal Pre-Kindergarten And Private School Accreditation
I'm confused about the proposed Universal Pre-Kindergarten legislation. Some friends are saying that all private schools will have to...
Where Do I Start?
I’m a mother of a 3 year old who I’m planning on home schooling, but the problem is where do I start?? Is there somewhere I can go for...
10th Grade PSAT or PLAN Test
Is a registered home education student permitted to take the PSAT or PLAN (in the 10th grade) at a public school? Yes. The school...
Ninth Grade Guidelines
Are there any guidelines for how much parental supervision is necessary for home schooling of a 9th grade student? A parent needs to...
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